So relieved now that the workshop on RT is over in Trivandrum. Back in Bangalore and back in office. Just the load of work that needs to be attended is mind boggling. Flying out on the 26th to Europe only to be back by mid March doesn't make life any easier. But well, occupational hazards and I am not complaining :)
What happened in Trivandrum?
More than hundred and fifty people turned up from the Industry, NGOs, Civil Societies, Panchayats, Government, Media and Academicians. Industry participants were probably the lowest of all. Various reasons were pointed to this poor turn out from the industry
1) Last minute invitation
2) Most of the invitees being from the medium segment of the business, they were busy with their guests and couldn't move out. For e.g Raheems Residency and Philipkutty's farm
3) Lack of clarity regarding the role of Equations along with the Kerala Tourism Department. Not many were clear about why Kerala tourism decided to rope in Equations especially after the campaign against the department when Kerala was nominated for the Destinations for Tomorrow awards from WTTC, London
What impressed me the most?t
1) To see the active and enthusiastic participation of the Panchayat members.
2) Demands from the Panchayats to have more tourism projects in their area
3) Industry members unanimously suggesting that they will work together with the Panchayats, Self Help Groups of women (similar to Kudumbashree units) and local community members.
4) Industry suggesting that if the quality of the products and services can be assured, they will be keen on procuring materials and skills locally which will definitely increase the positive economic linkages.
Did we lose focus on the first day?
The way the event was organised and structured, we didn't give enough time for all the sectoral subgroups to raise their concerns, discuss it and address it. Especially since it was after long time any sort of consultation with various stake holders were happening, most of the participants used this as an opportunity to raise their concerns about many things that were out of the focus of the workshop (defining responsibility of stake holders in tourism!).
I think it would have more successful if we had kept exclusive days for various stake holders. Even on the second day, the industry group sounded very cautious in terms of their participation. I guess with members from the media and even from NGOs that constantly criticise them being present there, not many of the industry felt comfortable enough to talk.
The way forward?
A committee of around 40 members from various stake holding groups have been identified to function as a working group. Once the documentation and transcription is done, the working group will be meeting together to work on the action plan.
Being part of this workshop was the most emotionally draining experience in recent times for me for various reasons. Intellectually, it was not that stimulating; but the challenge was to work with various kinds of people with that many different agenda in their mind!
Well, I hope I will be responsible (or brave?) enough to write about those experiences in the coming days!
© GP 2007
So relieved now that the workshop on RT is over in Trivandrum. Back in Bangalore and back in office. Just the load of work that needs to be attended is mind boggling. Flying out on the 26th to Europe only to be back by mid March doesn't make life any easier. But well, occupational hazards and I am not complaining :)
What happened in Trivandrum?
More than hundred and fifty people turned up from the Industry, NGOs, Civil Societies, Panchayats, Government, Media and Academicians. Industry participants were probably the lowest of all. Various reasons were pointed to this poor turn out from the industry
1) Last minute invitation
2) Most of the invitees being from the medium segment of the business, they were busy with their guests and couldn't move out. For e.g Raheems Residency and Philipkutty's farm
3) Lack of clarity regarding the role of Equations along with the Kerala Tourism Department. Not many were clear about why Kerala tourism decided to rope in Equations especially after the campaign against the department when Kerala was nominated for the Destinations for Tomorrow awards from WTTC, London
What impressed me the most?t
1) To see the active and enthusiastic participation of the Panchayat members.
2) Demands from the Panchayats to have more tourism projects in their area
3) Industry members unanimously suggesting that they will work together with the Panchayats, Self Help Groups of women (similar to Kudumbashree units) and local community members.
4) Industry suggesting that if the quality of the products and services can be assured, they will be keen on procuring materials and skills locally which will definitely increase the positive economic linkages.
Did we lose focus on the first day?
The way the event was organised and structured, we didn't give enough time for all the sectoral subgroups to raise their concerns, discuss it and address it. Especially since it was after long time any sort of consultation with various stake holders were happening, most of the participants used this as an opportunity to raise their concerns about many things that were out of the focus of the workshop (defining responsibility of stake holders in tourism!).
I think it would have more successful if we had kept exclusive days for various stake holders. Even on the second day, the industry group sounded very cautious in terms of their participation. I guess with members from the media and even from NGOs that constantly criticise them being present there, not many of the industry felt comfortable enough to talk.
The way forward?
A committee of around 40 members from various stake holding groups have been identified to function as a working group. Once the documentation and transcription is done, the working group will be meeting together to work on the action plan.
Being part of this workshop was the most emotionally draining experience in recent times for me for various reasons. Intellectually, it was not that stimulating; but the challenge was to work with various kinds of people with that many different agenda in their mind!
Well, I hope I will be responsible (or brave?) enough to write about those experiences in the coming days!
© GP 2007
You must be suicidal to talk about all the stories ;) S
Yes, terrible situation isn't?! I started this blog thinking that I can off-load many frustrations and give OTS to many wherever I found it needed. struggling with the frustration, I have lost the focus of the blog (Dont ask me if I had a focus earlier ;), it is becoming regularly irregular as well!
It's a shame I can't be VERY honest about many things. At least to get rid of the frustration, I should make this blog available only to signed members and continue writing?
write what u should write sir...what are these big secrets u are hiding from us uh? E
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