Looks like The Blue Yonder news update for June 2007 has struck the right cord with travellers. In the 5 days of launching this through our network, traffic to the website has increased by 50,000 hits and still on the rise. We have been wanting to compile news from The Blue Yonder since long time, but never managed to sit down and prepare one. Now, once it is done, we realise how important it is and how much of an opportunity we had lost by not documenting the process of growth.
One of the most interesting content in the newsletter seems to David Stott's interview with Arun on how we are interpreting the river culture to the travellers. Happy reading and let me know what you think of the content and design.
Once again thanks to Asha and Lotte for putting the pieces together. With the fights, temper, temperament and expectations, looks like working on the July issue is going to fun again!
Bangalore © GP 2007
I enjoy the layout - it invites you to read it. :-) I think the reason why the interview with Arun is such a big highlight for many people because it gives the reader a great insight to the work and background of the The Blue Yonder and the magic of River Nila - shows that people are genuine interested! :-) Looking forward to July issue!
nice, very very......
and by the way-for your eyes only-tighten the proof reading a bit more.
Its really well designed...All said in a subtle way, but still telling all the stories in its depth. Keep it up. Can you guys keep up with one per month?
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