Like many other review meetings of the foundation, today's was not any different. Full of intensity!!Sujith and Jamal came from Thrissur to our village quite early in the day. Even though he had spent most of the night reading the proof for his magazine "Hygiene", Arun also came home by 8 to start the work. (BTW, Arun is also the Chief Editor of the widely circulated "inland" magazine. I guess, probably this magazine is the one of the few that reaches every nook and corner of Kerala through all the post offices)
Since our publication of "Puzha Malayalam" got delayed beyond its revised target date of 22nd of March 2007, we are working hard to concentrate only on the book and nothing else. ("Puzha (meaning river) Malayalam" is a publication on the status of rivers in Kerala which was commissioned by Nila Foundation three years before).
Solely supported by The Blue Yonder, this research work has given a lot of insights into our own backyard which we wouldn't have noticed otherwise. From unique farming traditions to legends and folklore related to the rivers of Kerala, the amount of material the small team has collected in the last three years is simply mind boggling and exciting. No wonder we are all impatient to see the final proof from Sujith and Uma (who are the main researchers).
The half day meeting was well focused on our work and the resources that is needed to take the movement forward in a way that makes this as participatory as it is possible.
Tirur © GP 2007
What is that heart doing in your logo? I presume it is the logo for your foundation..Right? I see the river and the boat..Curious about the first part..Heart representing your love for the river?
(I should admit that its quite strange to be in touch with you like this and not on email after all these years!!
Oops! I have heard this comment earlier many times. It was not meant to be a heart, but well if people think that it has to do with our love for the river, well and good :)
Since its kind of long story, I will post it in the blog.
Elizabeth no mystery in that one. If you are indian (that will make it easier to find ),check the Malayalam alphabets--the heart looking shape is a 'Na';equivalent to the english 'N'.A lot of people with artistic leaning have a more stylized malayalam hand(writing) & so the 'artistic curves'/'distortions'.
The whole thing reads -Ni La,the seahorse/worm-like part is the 'La' with the extended appendage waving out to carry the 'thoni'or boat.
I am sure GP will enlighten us with the longer version.
Well,I dont think being an indian or a south indian for that matter would help you in any way to even guess that the logo is based on Malayalam alphabets.
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